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发布时间:2020-05-08 16:05:33 已帮助:473人




  提示词语:Spring Festival,traditional,decorate,on the eve of the festival,get together,set off fireworks,lucky money
  Dear Mike,
  How are you?I’mreally glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals.There aremany traditional festivals in China,such as Spring Festival,Mid-Autumn Day andso on.I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival toyou.
  Spring Festival isthe most important traditional holiday in China.It usually lasts for 15days.Days before the festival,people clean their houses.They think cleaningsweeps any bad luck.They decorate their houses with paper cuts.On theeve of the festival,family members get together and have bigmeals.Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV.Atmidnight,they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year.During thefestival,kids get lucky money from old people.People visit theirrelatives and friends.They wish one another a happy year and good luck.Howhappy we are.
  Best wishes!
  Liu Wei

  2.正确运用be supposed/expected to do…表示应该或被期望做的事情.
  3.正确使用It is+adj.+to do…表达看法和观点。
  Dear Mike,
  I’mglad to hear from you.It’s true that Chinese customsare different from yours in America.Let me give you some suggestionsabout Chinese customs.
  When you meet othersfor the first time,you are supposed to shake hands instead of kissing.It’spolite to hand out your right hand and shake it with another person’s right hand.When you are eating at the table,you should letthe old start first.When you are eating with your chopsticks,it’s impolite to point at other people with your chopsticks.It’s also impolite to stick your chopsticks into the bowl of rice andleave them there.
  When you go out withpeople,you are supposed to tell the hostess where you are going,who you aregoing with and when you will come back.In our culture,the hostess willworry about the safety of her guests,so it’s polite tolet her know these things.
  Have a safe trip andI look forward to meeting you soon!
  Zhang Hua

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