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您当前的位置: >天津书玉苑 >天津培训学校 >写简历的时候要注意的地方[双语]



发布时间:2019-03-05 16:33:47 已帮助:582人 来源:天津立刻说



  1.Bad English
  A recruiter is looking for an excuse not to consider your application,and bad grammar gives him an excuse to put your application in the special file marked the bin.A badly written CV shows you are disinterested or that you just can’t spell.Either way,it’s fatal.Check it yourself,and get someone else to go over your CV–it is easy to miss mistakes in your own copy.
  2.Just the facts
  Have you provided relevant contact details–have you entered the right numbers?
  3.Don’t be passive
  Can you solve problems,will you walk into your job running?If you can–great–you’re what your employee is looking for.The question is:have you communicated this with your CV?
  4.Don’t be vague
  Details help.State what you have achieved,with action verbs,and use numbers where possible.
  5.Customisation counts
  One size does not fill all.Read the job specification carefully.Look for key words in the text the reveal the kind of personality being looked for,and what the employer expects the right candidate to be able to deliver.
  6.Don’t be dull
  No one wants to know your duties;they want to hear your achievements.
  7.Don’t be flabby
  Tell your story–but don’t make your CV too long,or cut it down so much it says nothing at all.
  Make your CV pleasing to the eye.How your CV is presented tells a story about you.Are you visually aware,do you care enough about the job to present the information well?Your CV is sending signals to your employer.Make sure they are the right ones.
  9.Don’t put it off
  If you see a job you’re interested in,don’t delay putting together the application–do it the same day and send it the same day.

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